Friday, February 27, 2009

A bedtime story by Phoebe

Last night Phoebe told us a bedtime (or bednight as she and Owen call it) story. It went like this:

Phoebe: Once upon a time, over in a meadow there was a turkey with her calf.

Chloe: (dying laughing) What were they doing?

Phoebe: Pooping


Lolita Breckenridge said...

I have nothing to say but LOL. By myself, in my office, and my coworkers think I'm crazy laughing in here. . . that is AWE.SOME.

4meonly said...

I gotta second Christine's post! LMAO!!!

Dawn said...

Love it!!

SaRaH said...

what else would a turkey with her calf be doing in a meadow?

Nellie said...

I think it is great that she knows the word meadow, and that cows and turkeys both like meadows. :)