Tuesday, July 28, 2009

He fainted

I love listening to the kids when they are talking to each other (when they are talking nicely, that is). I just like to over hear the little things they say. Sometimes they are so sweet with each other, and sometimes very funny. Today on the way to the grocery store they were talking about alligators. I told them about a story I just saw on TV about a woman getting her face bitten by an alligator. Owen asked if there were any alligators around here. I said no, and Chloe said they had some in Florida. I said sometimes they get in pools there. Owen then said we better not talk about them anymore. Phoebe continued talking about alligators and Owen put his head over and closed his eyes. Then this conversation happened:

Phoebe: "Owen is asleep."

Owen: "I'm not asleep. I fainted."

Chloe and I laughed so hard. Apparently now the mere mention of alligators causes Owen to faint. Or fall asleep.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bed Head

When Owen wakes up in the morning his hair looks likes this:

It always sticks up in the back. I've found that Suave's kids tangle spray makes it lay down with a little work.

It is like waking up to a rooster every morning. Just another Owen quirk that I love.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Zucchini Carrot Cake

I love cooking with zucchini from my Dad's garden in the summer. This is a yummy cake I made last week:

Zucchini Carrot Cake
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups shredded zucchini
1 cup shredded carrots

Preheat oven to 350. Combine dry ingredients. Add oil, eggs, vanilla; mix well. Fold in zucchini and carrots. Pour into greased 9x13 pan and bake for 45 minutes. when cool, frost with Cream Cheese Frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened
3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)

Cream butter and cream cheese. Add powdered sugar and vanilla; beat until smooth. Fold in nuts.

I love this cake. The icing is so good I could eat it with a spoon. Phoebe liked it too, minus the nuts. I think I might make it as muffins the next time.

Magic Cobbler

The kids and I have been picking blackberries. They love to fill their little buckets up with the berries. One of my favorite ways to eat them is in a cobbler. Here's the one I've been making lots of:

Magic Cobbler
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup milk
2 cups sugar, divided
1 cup flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder (I skip this because I use self-rising flour)
2 cups fruit (blackberries, blueberries, peaches, etc.)

Preheat oven to 350. In 8x11-inch pan (I use 8x8), melt butter. In mixing bowl, combine milk, 1 cup sugar, flour, and baking powder. Pour mixture over melted butter, but do not stir. Spread fruit on top and sprinkle with remaining cup of sugar. Again, do not stir. Bake for 30-40 minutes until fruit is soft and top is golden brown.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday Road Trip

Yesterday we went to my Uncle's house about three hours away for a party. The kids had fun with the cousins and friends. We went to Cabela's on the way home. Some pics of the day:

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

What's that smell?

Phoebe just came to me and I smelled a strong smell.

Me: What's that smell?
Phoebe: It's perfume.
Me: Where did you get it?
Phoebe: In Chloe's room.
Me: Oh (Making a face)
Phoebe: It's good. It's weally good. It's banilla.

Now for Owen:
I love how he says an "s" sound instead of the "th" sound in some words. Like brother is broser and either is eiser. He also says many words like he's from Boston, like car and shark. I was giggling to myself yesterday thinking about him with my aunt on the 4th of July. She doesn't see Owen very often and she asked him to come sit by her and talk to her. He stopped playing to go sit by her. They talked a bit and he said "Well, I weally got to get going now". Yesterday there was something scary on tv and he said he had better get going because he had some work to do in his room.

And Chloe:
Danny was talking with her in her room yesterday after we had talked about her growing up and not being a little girl anymore. The conversation was about things she liked.

Danny: Which stuffed animal do you like best?
Chloe: I like them all.
Danny: Do you like Daddy or Mommy best?
Chloe: I like you both.
Danny: Do you like Owen or Phoebe best?
Chloe: Phoebe. She's nicer.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Camping Trip

We left for camping on Saturday and came home yesterday (Wed). We had a good time. The kids loved it. Molly wasn't crazy about it. It was pretty chilly in the mountains and it rained some on Sat. and Sun. My motto was Camping is Dirty Business, because with the mud and dirt the kids stayed filthy. It was an isolated campsite and we had a nice time just having family time. We ate lots of good food and even made ice cream in a can. I loved the potatoes in the fire and the beans we cooked over the fire. Breakfast was yummy to eat outside too. I made the kids a scavenger hunt and we did some crafts. We fished, played, explored, and relaxed. Phoebe is such a good camper, she wasn't any trouble at all and enjoyed herself. Once she bumped her ankle and said she hurt her "leg wrist". On the way home we went to the Scenic Highway which I always love, and we stopped and visited Danny's parents. It's good to be home now and I'm slowly catching up on laundry and the unpacking is done. Now to plan the next camping trip!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Silly stuff and nothing much

Owen asks a lot of thoughtful questions. Like yesterday he was looking at his shadow and asked why shadows didn't have mouths. The other day he asked me how tigers went to the bathroom.

Phoebe is so funny these days. She was sitting happily in her carseat when I stopped at the store and got her out of the seat. She jumped down and said "I'm free!!". We had pancakes and bacon Sun. evening for breakfast. She, like me, loves butter. She asked for more and I said a little more and that was all. Then she said "Can I have some of that butter to put in my mouth and eat it?". She loves to boss Owen around. He burped yesterday and before I could say a word she said "Owen, say excuse me! Burping is bad manners."

Chloe has a renewed interest in Barbies. Yesterday I got out a huge tote of Barbies of hers that we had packed away. She and Phoebe washed every single one of them in a big thing of soap and water I gave them, I washed and dryed the Barbie clothes, and now they are entertained for hours. One had pink panties on and Phoebe said that one had a pink butt.

We went to the library this morning and then to the pool. Owen said he had work to do when he got home. I asked what, and he said play his video games. He wanted to go to Kmart to buy a new game. I told him he just got new ones for his birthday and he'd have to wait until Christmas. He said Christmas was hours away and he couldn't wait that long. Then he said he really hoped snow came down on the ground for Christmas.

Today Owen was eating a chocolate bar (as he calls it) and Chloe stole a bite, which caused some crying with one sad tear. He said now he didn't have as much as he did.

He was wearing his goggles in the van on the way to the pool today. I could hear him snorting and breathing hard. I asked if he was okay and he said "Yes, I just need to get a breath". The goggles were pinching his nose closed.

Owen was looking for Molly yesterday and asked, "Is Molly home?". Where else would the dog be?

We did summer reading at the library today. With each level they complete they choose a prize. Today was craft day too and we checked out new books. Owen came home with a medal he made for the craft around his neck, a Scooby Doo bubble necklace on, carrying a sucker, and a pirate eye patch on. Phoebe had her medal, a stuffed pony, wearing a tatoo and sporting the eye patch, and a roll of Smarties. Chloe had her medal and a dolphin bubble necklace, and a piece of candy.

I just love those kids.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

We had a nice 4th of July, despite the cooler weather and rain. It didn't start raining until the evening, just in time for the party. The kids didn't care and played in the rain. When it was time to do the fireworks, the rain had stopped. We went to Mom and Dad's for their annual 4th of July party. The fireworks were good and we had fun.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Molly!

After years of asking for one, Chloe got a toy poodle for her birthday last year. She named her Molly. Molly has become part of our family.

Yesterday was her first birthday. Chloe wanted to celebrate with a party. So, she decorated the back porch, helped make a doggie cake, and invited some doggie friends.

Phoebe and Danny at the party (Phoebe does this pose for all pictures now):

With the doggie cake that the dogs promptly gobbled up before I could take a picture:

Opening gifts:

And all the doggie guests (Lucy with my Mom and Phoebe, my brother-in-law Ed with Chester, my sister Betsy with Lilly, and Chloe and Molly). Danny's four beagles also got a piece of cake and were at their dog boxes in the backyard for the party.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My silly girl

This morning after our good mornings and during our morning snuggle Phoebe sat up in my lap and said "Daddy is a boy". I said yes, then she said yes, and that was that.

After I went to the grocery store the other day I cut up some of the fruit I bought all in one bowl; cantaloupe, watermelon, and pineapple. Phoebe loves it and yesterday she asked for only the "red cantaloupe". That would mean watermelon.

Yesterday Chloe was shaving her legs with an electric razor. Phoebe asked me if Chloe could shave her legs with the shaver. She also asked if Chloe could give her a "pay-cure", which I finally figured out meant pedicure. No way to the first, hesitant yes to the second.

I asked Phoebe if she needed a nap a few days ago because she was being grouchy and she said, "Let's not talk about that".