Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oddest gift I've ever received

At church we have Secret Sisters that we buy for each month. For Valentine's Day my Secret Sister got me a box of chocolates. And a bottle brush.


Dawn said...


tanya or MOM said...

That is so funny!!!

Tiff said...

What's so odd about that? That is hilarious! You can save that bottle cleaner for your next baby! :)

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I'll guve you a dollar if you regift thebrush to some pther secret sister. Sisterhood of the traveling bottle brush.

Unknown said...

Double dog dare you to regift the brush.

What was she thinking?

Unknown said...

Wilberforce has a typing disorder.

Dayna said...

That IS somewhat odd I must say. I TRIPLE DOG DARE you to regift it too! :)