Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I've had a nice Mother's Day weekend. Our mother daughter banquet at church was Friday evening. Despite a huge downpour at the end of it and me falling and hurting my knee, it was a good time. Yesterday we beat the crowd and ate dinner out with Mom, Dad, and Betsy. Today was a beautiful day and we spent most of it outside. This morning we went to church and to Mom and Dad's afterward for some ice cream cake. For breakfast this morning Chloe made me waffles and fixed my breakfast so sweet, complete with sliced bananas and milk with a straw, and my napkin folded pretty. She's such a sweet, thoughtful girl. She and Owen both brought me home things they made at school. Danny wasn't supposed to get me a gift because we got a family picture taken for my gift, but he got me a watering can, flower seeds to plant, gardening gloves, and gardening tool, plus a sweet card. I love a themed gift!

Me with my babies who make me a Mommy.

At my Mom and Dad's this morning with my Mom and sister, Betsy.

Happy Mother's Day!


Amanda said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Mothering Sunday! We celebrated ours in March over here in Scotland.
Amanda x

Lolita Breckenridge said...

You really are a beautiful mommy. Glad your day was nice.

Unknown said...

What a lovely weekend!

Our Beautiful Life said...

Happy Mother's day! (Sorry a bit late...) Glad you had a wonderful day and you really are such a lovely mommy.