Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do I really need a warning for that?

I bought some new mascara today and on the back of the package it says not to use it in a moving vehicle. Really?


It reminds me of how ridiculous I think it is when you get those little gel packets in things, or the little stay fresh packets of whatever in food, that says Do Not Eat. Why would you eat that? Out of curiosity I googled what was in those packets and it's silica gel to take the moisture out (as an example, they are found in pills/vitamins so the pills don't get wet). Pretty harmless if you ate it. If you were to eat a packet it would take the moisture out of your mouth and make you very thirsty. How many packets would you have to eat to take all the moisture out of your body? A 210 pound man would have to eat 58,800 packets. Now there is an intersting fact for ya!

1 comment:

SaRaH said...

if it weren't for my vehicle, I'd never get makeup on. Although, I do try to aim for red lights...