Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Daily Goals

I don't really have any daily goals, except to make it through the day. ;) While taking a walk with Mom one day last week she mentioned that each day she had three things she wanted to accomplish:

Walk for 30 minutes

Read her Bible for 30 mintues

Hoe at least three rows in the garden

What great summertime goals! She said to do all these things would only take 90 minutes. It's true. Sometimes we say we don't have time to do things. But we do.

I'm still thinking on my daily goals. What are yours?


Unknown said...

daily goals... something to think about.

Miss Lisa said...

She has some great goals! I am doing the bible in a year program so I do have a goal of reading the bible daily. I just rejoined the gym too so I am trying to get there everyday.
I also try to get one room really clean :)

SaRaH said...

Thanks to your mom I got MORE than three things done yesterday... I'm hoping that lunch with a friend can be one of my things today or I'm going to come up short. :P