Saturday, July 5, 2008

I love a parade!

Today we went to a parade. It was fun and Chloe and Owen loved getting the candy that was thrown at them. Owen was holding his bag out like it was trick-or-treat. Phoebe didn't like the fire trucks with their loud sirens or the loud motorcycles. She didn't even like the cotton candy! She wouldn't even try a bite. I don't think she was a fan of the 4th of July, she hated the fireworks too. She said she was scared. These are pics of the parade and a couple of Phoebe from yesterday.

Phoebe in her red, white, and blue!

Phoebe doesn't look thrilled in these two pics:


This van (or is it a bus?) was in the parade. This is the ride I need! It had hilarious bumper stickers and signs, like "0-60 in 11 minutes" and "Hippies use the side door".

We ate Chinese afterward, so all in all, a fun afternoon! :)

1 comment:

Miss Lisa said...

Well even if Phoebe didn't have fun, at least she looked cute :)

They do throw an awful lot of candy at those parades, don't they?!