Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kool Aid, Kool Aid, Tastes Great

Today was a warm sunny day, something we haven't had in a long time! This evening we played outside and ran around. When we came in Owen was thirsty and wanted to make Kool Aid. We made some and he helped stir. He asked, "I wonder why they call it Kool Aid?". I told him I didn't know and he said, "Probably because it cools you off". He says so many cute things. I love how he says Cheetos are Cheetahs. At school if he makes mistakes he says he had to get lots of "erases".

Phoebe said the cutest thing this evening. Danny was in the other room and she heard him cough. She said "That's Daddy. My friend Daddy."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a pair! Give them a hug from me!