Monday, August 25, 2008

Why is it called a slumber party?

Chloe had her birthday slumber party on Saturday night. I don't know why it's called a slumber party, or a sleepover, there is no slumbering or sleeping going on. They didn't go to sleep until 4:00am. We had 7 girls at the party. Chloe had a great time and there wasn't any girl drama, so all went well. I woke them up to be picked up by 9:00. We went to church, then to my sister Betsy's for a family lunch and fishing at her pond. We all came home to take naps, except Owen who played Legos. Owen's eye still isn't better, though I guess better than it was, I think. The urgent care dr. said it was a sty/boil and gave him an antibiotic, and an antibiotic cream. I may have to take him back to our regular dr. I want it to be better before school starts!

Chloe getting ready to blow out her candle:

Making a craft at almost midnight. Notice Owen had to join in. He refused to stay the night with Mom and Dad. He didn't want to miss anything. He went to bed soon after this:

Chloe and Marley when I went in to wake the girls up:

Chloe with a fish she caught:

And Owen with a fish (Ironically the fish is covering up his sore eye, or sad eye as I've been calling it. He hit Phoebe's hand yesterday and said he couldn't help it he had a sad eye.):


Miss Lisa said...

Yeah--they never SLEEP at those 'slumber' parties.
Glad it went well!

SaRaH said...

You're a GREAT mama! Those children would be completely unattended at midnight at this house. ('Cept maybe for me to tell them to be quiet so I could sleep.) :P I hope Owen's eye gets happy again soon!