Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Molly

Molly is a big hit around here. She's had visitors bearing gifts and the kids just love her to bits. She is a sweet little puppy. I put her in her crate last night to sleep and she whimpered a good bit in the night. Hopefully she'll get used to it and sleep better. She sleeps a lot during the day and likes to be snuggled. She doesn't eat a lot, but she's tiny. It's just like having a baby in the house, I'm watching that she eats, drinks, pees, and poops. Chloe is doing well with taking her out often and cleaning up after her. She feeds her and is very attentive to her. Molly loves Chloe already. Phoebe and Owen find Molly's crate entertaining.

Owen said a couple funny things today. When we were coming home today in the van he said "How old are goats?". Where did that come from? Then this evening I picked some wildflowers along the edge of the yard and when he saw me carrying them in he said "Oh, you got some weeds?".

He got up early this morning and was tired this evening. He fell asleep in the chair watching tv. He's holding his Clone Wars toy from his Happy Meal from McDonalds today.


Chas said...

Molly is really a cutie! We have a crate for our dog Latch and Cassie loves playing in it too! Owen looks so sweet sleeping in the chair!!

SaRaH said...

Those kids of yours are too cute. Owen looks like an angel sleeping.