Monday, September 8, 2008

Not a good way to start the week...

Chloe was sick all night last night. I was up with her giving cough medicine, honey, warm tea, hot water bottle, breathing treatments, the usual things when her asthma is flaring up. She had a cold over the weekend (and Owen has a runny nose too, which caused him to throw up Sat. night) and it just moves to her lungs. She stayed home from school today so I could take her to the dr. Owen was worried about going to school without her, so I took him to school and picked him up. He didn't want to ride the bus without her. Then when I took him in this morning he had a pitiful look on his face like he was trying not to cry. I promised I would pick him up and according to him and the teacher, he had a good day. It just breaks my heart to see him upset. I cried (and prayed) the whole way home. It was like the first day of school all over again. I hope it goes better tomorrow. Chloe won't go again tommorrow so I hope he'll be brave.

At the dr. they didn't like the sound of Chloe's wheezing, so they gave her a breathing treatment and finally sent us home with an antibiotic, steriod, breathing treatments, and cough syrup. We were at the dr. a couple hours and the pharmacy an hour. Phoebe was pretty wild and fell asleep on the way home. At the dr. they told us that Chloe had grown 5 inches and gained 8 pounds since January!

Tonight at school was Open House. Owen and I went and visited his room and Chloe's. Owen had to show me every little part to his room. Here he is at his spot at his table.

He sits beside of Lilian who he says he is afraid of. I asked why he was afraid of her, and he said "She scares me", and I asked why, and he said "She has sharp teeth". I can't wait to meet her and see what he means. When I asked what color her hair was he said "bright black". I could tell he does like her. He continues to do well at Kindergarten and brings home his green card every night showing his behavior was good.

Hopefully our week will improve!


Unknown said...

LMAO. I want ti meet the girl with "sharp teeth"!

Miss Lisa said...

Oh I hope she is feeling better.
That girl in K might be a witch in training ;)

Cindy said...

Owen stories crack me up :)

SaRaH said...

I'm afraid of peeps with sharp teeth, too. I hope Chloe is feeing better!