Thursday, September 25, 2008

Spoiled much?

Today Phoebe and I went to the mall with Mom and Dad. I had to go pick up Phoebe's birthday pictures at Sears and they wanted to go too. We had fun shopping and eating at the Olive Garden (well, we girls enjoyed the Olive Garden, it's not Dad's favorite).

Guess what Dad bought for Owen at Target? The Republic Gunship. (See below under If You Give a Mouse Some Money.) That's right, $120 just because he wanted to make Owen happy. It worked. Owen was so excited. I'm going to be daaaaays putting that together. We started this evening. It has over 1000 pieces. Owen was mad because I didn't get it finished this evening. Chloe helped me sort all the pieces by color, and she said she didn't know why it didn't come put together. It's Legos, that's the whole point. ;)

Dad also bought the kids a Wii for Christmas, plus extra controllers that came with games, and Mario Kart. That all racked up to $450. That'll be a blast for all of us.

I guess it's a grandparents job to spoil their grandchildren, right? And smother them with love. <3


Miss Lisa said...

You've got some very lucky kids :)

SaRaH said...

I prefer well loved. Who could deny him after that cute mouse comment?