Saturday, July 18, 2009

What's that smell?

Phoebe just came to me and I smelled a strong smell.

Me: What's that smell?
Phoebe: It's perfume.
Me: Where did you get it?
Phoebe: In Chloe's room.
Me: Oh (Making a face)
Phoebe: It's good. It's weally good. It's banilla.

Now for Owen:
I love how he says an "s" sound instead of the "th" sound in some words. Like brother is broser and either is eiser. He also says many words like he's from Boston, like car and shark. I was giggling to myself yesterday thinking about him with my aunt on the 4th of July. She doesn't see Owen very often and she asked him to come sit by her and talk to her. He stopped playing to go sit by her. They talked a bit and he said "Well, I weally got to get going now". Yesterday there was something scary on tv and he said he had better get going because he had some work to do in his room.

And Chloe:
Danny was talking with her in her room yesterday after we had talked about her growing up and not being a little girl anymore. The conversation was about things she liked.

Danny: Which stuffed animal do you like best?
Chloe: I like them all.
Danny: Do you like Daddy or Mommy best?
Chloe: I like you both.
Danny: Do you like Owen or Phoebe best?
Chloe: Phoebe. She's nicer.

1 comment:

SaRaH said...

I love your kids. Today I especially love Choe's honesty. LOL!