Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work I Go....

My gig is up. After being a stay-at-home Mom for eleven (!) years, I have gone back to work. I am a tutorial teacher at Chloe and Owen's school. It's pretty great to be at their school; I see them during the day, I can be involved with their school things still, I drive them to and from school, and I can have lunch with Owen sometimes (Chloe's lunch is at a different time than mine, not that she would want me to have lunch with her - that would be embarassing).

My Mom is watching Phoebe for me. I don't know who is happier, Mom or Phoebe. Phoebe was so excited to go there. Mom thanked me for letting her watch Phoebe. Danny picks her up around 1:30, so she gets to spend the rest of the day with Daddy. Chloe, Owen, and I are home from school a little after 3:00. Not bad.

I hope I can settle into a routine and not be too overwhelmed with work, school, home, and kids. I am grateful for this job, and grateful that I was able to stay home while my kids were little. Our baby days are over, so it's time. I'm sad that I can't stay home with Phoebe for as long as I did with Chloe and Owen, and I'll miss her like crazy, but in reality, 3 kids are expensive. Life is expensive. So, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go....


Unknown said...

You will do great! It sounds like the perfect gig.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

It really sounds ideal - hope it's going well!

SaRaH said...

Sounds like the perfect job, indeed! But still -- remember that any new job (especially a new job with three children) is a big adjustment. Be super nice to yourself as you guys adjust.